Use your veggie leftovers as compost
There is no waste in nature. And everything from nature is also good for nature.
This means that green waste is perfect for providing new nutrients to your green plants in the house and garden. They should not be thrown away but composted.

If you have a garden, the classic compost is perfect for making compost which you can then place in the soil. But you can also easily compost in a flat in the city: with a Bokashi or a wormbox.
You can adapt both to the size of your flat. You can make them yourself for little money or order them ready to use.
But even grass cuttings don't just belong on the compost. You can use the cut grass to cover the soil in your beds. There it is then directly processed by micro-organisms and small earth dwellers into important nutrients for the plants. Until then, especially in summer, it can ensure that the soil is well protected from drying out and that morning dew is collected to keep the soil moist.
Larger cuttings from bushes and trees can be processed into bark mulch and also spread over beds.
And the leaves in autumn swept up into a heap offer a wonderful home for hedgehogs and co.