Love your sneakers and trainers
Each of us has at least one pair of sneakers or trainers in the closet. But only a few of them are really sustainable and fair produced.

The more important thing is that you take care of your beloved shoes. If you wear shoes for a long time, you pay respect to the workers in the factories for their work, and the environmental balance of the pair of shoes will be better because you wear them longer. So that you can enjoy your shoes for a long time, there is now a new small but fine industry that cleans your shoes, refreshes them or gives them a new individual look.
For example here in Hamburg:
Sneaker SurgerySneaker Atelier
But also normal shoemakers offer refreshments. Just ask the shoemaker near you.
You can of course also care for your shoes yourself and make them pretty. There are also a lot of great ideas on Youtube and Pinterest.