Choose the right green electricity provider

If you don't want to have a guilty conscience when you turn on your light, choose your electricity supplier well.
Meanwhile, there are over 8,000 suppliers on our electricity market who offer green electricity. But what makes a good green electricity provider?
First of all, it is simply not enough to offer a mix of electricity with green electricity. What is more important is whether the supplier has a label on his products, such as "ok-power" or "green electricity label". Because this implies that the electricity comes 100% from renewable energies. Good sustainable electricity suppliers also manage their companies sustainably and also promote ecological projects - above all the expansion of renewable energies.
And that's where the wheat is separated from the chaff. Utopia once created a ranking according to its own criteria. The test winners were "Die Bürgerwerke", "EWS Schönau" and "Greenpeace Energy". And what about the electricity price? For example, we have been purchasing our electricity from EWS Schönau for over 10 years. So far, we have been able to reduce our electricity consumption from year to year, so that we have even gotten our money back. This year, for the first time, a price increase fluttered into our house due to the green electricity levy. While around us there were almost annual groans about an electricity price increase from other suppliers. In other words: we cannot confirm that green, sustainable electricity is expensive. It is worthwhile to change.