Avoid microplastics in cosmetics

What many of us don't know: a lot of care and cosmetic products contain microplastics. You can find them in toothpaste, creams, shower gels, hair care products, sun creams, simply everywhere.

Vermeide Mikroplastik in Kosmetik

In the meantime, there are first studies that prove that microplasty damages the body. Above all, however, the particles reach the sewage treatment plants via the grey water when showering. There are still no filters there that can filter out the microplastics. So the small particles get into our waters, where they are taken up by animals, get sick and die. But we also take up this microplastics again with our food.

It is therefore sensible to do completely without these products. Unfortunately there is no legal basis yet that prohibits microplastics in cosmetics.

If you want to know what you have to pay attention to and what microplastics is and does, please read our blog articles: